Tuesday 1 July 2014

Obama cracks wise about, er, 'crack' in pies

It’s not every day you hear a president joke about crack cocaine — in White House pies, no less.

During a Monday event to celebrate LGBT Pride Month, President Obama praised retiring White House pastry chef Bill Yosses — “the Crustmaster” — for his delicious pies.

“I don’t know what he does — whether he puts crack in them, or …,” Obama said as the crowd chuckled.

First lady Michelle Obama quickly weighed in, saying, “no he doesn’t. … There is no crack in our pies.”

The president went on to note that Yosses’ pies made an appearance at his first physical after moving into the White House.

“My cholesterol shot up,” Obama said. “And the doctor was like, what happened?”

He added: “And I thought, it’s the pie! It’s the pie! So we had to establish like a really firm rule about no pie during the week.”

Obama cracks wise about, er, 'crack' in pies

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